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Instructional Make-Up Days

School Closing Instructional Make-Up Days for the Current Year to date:

In the event that CCPS experiences any further school closings due to inclement weather, the school district has identified the following potential instructional make-up day(s) and will continue to monitor and provide updates.   

  • Monday, October 9 (will not use)
  • Tuesday, October 10, 2017 (will not use)
  • February 20, 2018 (to be determined)

Scheduling of make-up days is up to the Superintendent and Board of Education

As a Strategic Waiver School Systems (SWSS) school district, CCPS has included waivers from O.C.G.A. 20-2-168 and State Board of Education Rule 160-5-1-.02 School Day and School Year for Students and Employees regarding the number of days and hours of instruction required in a school year. This means that the decision to make-up school days missed for any reason is at the discretion of our superintendent and Board of Education with the understanding that the student performance accountability terms for our contract remain in place.