Suggested Topics for Further Reading or Study
In the wake of potentially dangerous situations, the main focus of CCPS is the safety and wellbeing of everyone. In effort to ensure all stakeholders are prepared for hazards as they arise, please see the following list of educational reading materials to further equip you and loved ones in the event of emergencies.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Emergency Preparedness and Response
FEMA: Create Your Family Emergency Communication Plan
Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
Ready: Plan Ahead for Disasters
- Earthquakes
- Extreme Heat
- Flooding
- Home Fires
- Hurricanes
- Power Outages
- Severe Weather
- Tornadoes
- Winter Weather
National Hurricane Center
Emergency Preparedness Information
Research on Global Warming and Hurricanes
Preparing for Disasters and Emergencies
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Natural Disasters and Severe Weather Information