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Here's What's Happening


Due to the weather, Pre-K Literacy Express will transition to a virtual format for January and February. Join us on Thursday, January 9th, and February 6th at 4:00 PM on Zoom using the provided link. Books will be distributed to all participants at their school. We look forward to seeing you online.

Zoom Link:

Previously announced details for the events beyond February are included below.

Throughout the 2024-2025 School Year the CCPS Early Learning Department will provide literacy resources to families all while you remain in the comfort of your vehicle!

Join us at either of our two locations (Jackson Elementary School in Jonesboro and Edmonds Elementary School in Forest Park) to drive through the bus lanes and pick up literacy materials! These materials are designed to help foster a love for reading in your children. Literacy is crucial for their development, and we look forward to supporting their learning journey together!