GEAR Up Clayton
Click to visit the GEAR UP Georgia Website
In October 2016, Georgia received its first statewide GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Program) Grant. On behalf of the Governor’s Office, the University System of Georgia will administer the seven-year, $21-million-dollar grant awarded by US Department of Education.
All GEAR UP Georgia students will be provided with supportive services to help them receive their high school diploma, prepare for post-secondary education, prepare for careers and support through their first year of college. The statewide project will serve over 12,000 high need students in over 40 schools.
GEAR UP Objectives:
- Increase targeted Cohort and Priority Students academic performance and preparation for post-secondary education
- Increase percentage of targeted Cohort and Priority Students who graduate from high school and enroll in a post-secondary institution
- Increase student and family knowledge of post-secondary education options, preparation, financing and careers
- Increase targeted Cohort and Priority student persistence rates for year one of post-secondary education
Cohort Strategy:
Cohort Strategy is the model that will be utilized in Clayton County Public Schools. The “Cohort Strategy” in those districts with high levels of students who are on free or reduced lunch, homeless and in foster care. This model will follow 7th and 8th grade students through middle and high school on through their first year of college (Cohort Students).
GEAR UP Georgia will partner with local and statewide partners to deliver the following services to Clayton County School System:
- Professional Development for School Staff
- Academic and Social Support for Students
- College and Career Preparation